1 LncRNA/mRNA chip and miRNA chip raw data mining results
1.1 Download the raw data and QC
1.2 Sample QC
1.3 Expression results
1.4 Differential Expression results including scatter plot, volcano plot, hierarchical clustering and chr summary plot
作者:五山(广州)生物医药科技有限公司 2022-04-15T00:00 (访问量:5439)
1 LncRNA/mRNA chip and miRNA chip raw data mining results
1.1 Download the raw data and QC
1.2 Sample QC
1.3 Expression results
1.4 Differential Expression results including scatter plot, volcano plot, hierarchical clustering and chr summary plot
地 址: 广州市越秀区农林下路81号新裕大厦18C
联系人: 陈女士
电 话: 020-23311230
传 真: 020-23311230
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